v F U Z E

Starts at $4/Hr. Bulk pricing available.

Produce Accurate captions for your videos.

Using our cutting-edge AI models and human in the loop tools.

Let’s get started
Languages & Accents

Produce captions for videos in over 100 different languages and accents. Improving their reach.

Improve Serchability and SEO

Adding a captions to your videos makes them more searchable and appear higher up results pages and feeds.

More Accessible

Captions makes videos easier to follow. Especially for those with a disability or watching without sound.

Fixing Youtube's Broken Captioning System

YouTube's automatic captioning system has long been known to produce inaccurate and unreliable captions, leaving much to be desired when it comes to video accessibility. This highlights the need for a dedicated video captioning solution, that is both accurate and scalable for large channels.

vFuze can produce expert transcriptions for your videos within minutes.


3 simple steps to make high quality captions

Link your YouTube video, playlist or channel.

Or you can upload the videos directly to our portal.

Enter your Email where to send the transcriptions and make payment.

We calculate the pricing based on the amout of videos to be captioned. Bulk pricing available.

Recieve transcriptions in your Email.

We send you the .srt and .vtt files straight to your inbox.
Why choose us

Why you should choose us?

vFuze's captioning service provides highly accurate and reliable transcriptions of video content, ensuring that viewers can easily understand and engage with the material.

Our AI models have an 98.3% accuracy rate and is imprived by Human-In-The loop sytems to ensure that you recieve highest quality captions.

The service offers quick turnaround times, allowing content creators to get their transcriptions back quickly and efficiently, without sacrificing quality.

Typical turnaround times range from 1/10th to 1/7th the input video length.

The service offers a range of customization options, such as the ability to specify formatting, timestamps, and other details, to ensure that the transcription meets the specific needs of the client.

We also offer custom accent training for really tricky accents or words.

The service offers competitive pricing that is affordable for a range of clients, from individual content creators to larger organizations.

We start at $4/Hr of content. We also do bulk pricing for whole channels and can go as low as $2.70 for larger channels.

Our Pricing

Unbeatable prices, no contracts, simple & easy

Free Video

Your First Video On Us

  • < 20 Minutes in length
  • .srt , .vtt files provided.
Flat Rate

per hour of video content.

  • Any length.
  • .srt and .vtt files provided.
  • Access to interactive caption editor.
  • Access to interactive caption editor.
  • Human In The Loop support.
Bulk Pricing

per hour of video content.

Caption your whole channel in one go.

  • Any length.
  • .srt and .vtt files provided.
  • Access to interactive caption editor.
  • Automaticlly transcribe every video you upload.
  • Access to interactive caption editor.
  • Human In The Loop support.

Question & Answer

The text displayed at the bottom of a video file is known as subtitles or captions. The purpose of this text is to transcribe the video content and enhance its comprehensibility.

You can find the official instructions on how to add susbtitles to youtube video HERE

Yes, your first 20 minutes of subtitles are free. Then you'll have to pay $4/Hr of video content.

Typical processing time ranges from 1/10th of the input video length to 1/5th of input video length depending on how much human work is needed to distill the output. Eg. 1 hour of video can take anywhere from 7 minutes to 10 minutes to process.

We support Stripe and Paypal. Which accept all major payment methods.

The measured accuracy of our AI models in 98.3%. We manually vaerify this using human in the loop systems to boost this upto 99%. For reference youtube's auto captions hava a accuracy of about 75%.

Yes, we support over 200 + languages and accents. With support for custom accents in our bulk and enterprise plans.

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Make your videos more accessible and boost your search rankings today !